To Know Thyself
You Have To HealThySelf
So You Can Love Thyself
Welcome to HealThySelf
HealThySelf is dedicated to helping you create balance during your journey. We understand that lifestyle changes can be challenging and we are here to help with a smooth transition into a healthier YOU. While we do our best to answer all of your questions, we also provide additional services for more personalization. “Healthy Sessions” are available as Consultations and Healing Management. As well as additional options to assist with your nutrition & fitness needs.
5203 S Laburnum Ave, Richmond, VA 23231
Check Google for our current store hours 😊
Our Vision
Healing ourselves is a responsibility to our souls. How we treat the internal vessel reflects on the flesh and we begin to showcase it knowingly or unknowingly. Our Vision is to Heal From Within, so that we reflect the truest — most Healthiest version of who we are. By giving your body a second chance to heal itself; you accept the journey of internal change.
What makes “HealThySelf” different?
Additional Services
- Healthy Sessions – provided as individual and/or group consultations
- Healing Management – “One-on-One” sessions regarding personal
experience or specific needs.
** Please note: Services are provided as insight and educational purposes only, and not intended to replace professional, legal or medical advice.
Upcoming Events

What Our Customers Are Saying
Studies and information have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease process. Any concerns about your health and supplementation with herbs or diet should be done in consultation with your physician and/or holistic health care provider.
We recommend speaking with your healthcare practitioner before using any herbal products, particularly if you are pregnant, nursing, or taking any medications that may cause adverse effects.
With gratitude,
Justin & Janiqua of “HealThySelf”